Preschool & Long Day Care
Gumnut Grove Child Care Centre is a community based non-profit organisation based in Young, NSW. The Centre is a 2 unit long day care centre and is licensed to care for 39 children per day, with ages ranging from 6 weeks to school age. The Centre is administered by a Director and a volunteer Management Committee.
Our Rooms
We operate 2 rooms catering for children aged 0 to 2 years in the Caterpillar Room and children aged 3 to 5 years in the Butterfly Room.
Caterpillar Room
The Caterpillar Room caters for up to 15 babies and toddlers per day. The room aims to reflect the values of home, including a beautifully decorated cot room for babies to sleep in throughout the day.
Butterfly Room
The Butterfly Room caters for up to 24 preschool aged children per day. The Preschool program helps to prepare your child for school by offering a fun and active program covering areas such as language development and communication, early mathematical understanding and a positive attitude to learning.
Enquire Now
Our enrolments are based on a calendar year, however we do take on new children throughout the year when positions become available. We encourage all families to complete a Waiting List form as early as possible.